Computer science major Louis Spann ’26 enjoys working in the computer science lab where students regularly gather to tackle their programming assignments.
Louis Julian Spann, Class of 2026, grew up in Washington Township, New Jersey. “It’s a decently rural area, and my family lived on a farm,” he says. “I think the rural environment made me enjoy nature more, and working on the farm definitely developed my work ethic and people skills.”
What is your major or academic interest?
I am majoring in computer science and getting a certificate in finance. With technology, I really like the idea of creating something from scratch that other people will use, and I appreciate the seemingly endless pathways available in technology today. I am dabbling in finance because I believe it is necessary for the future, and at the very least, I would like to have somewhat of a stock portfolio going before I graduate.
What activities are you involved in?
I was recently elected and nominated to be a student trustee to the board, and I hold several other positions around campus:
- president/cofounder of Catholics on Campus Club
- a balance fund manager for the Amrhein Investment Club
- treasurer of Chess Club
- a member of the Philosophy and Habitat for Humanity Clubs
- a member of the Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society
- an Apple Pathways Participant
- an audio/visual event technician
What’s next after you graduate?
Ideally, I would have a job set up or in the works at a tech company. Fingers crossed!
Tell us about one of the best experiences you’ve had at Moravian University?
There are certainly plenty of experiences to be shared. One of the very first experiences I had was at Accepted Students Day. I was with my mom, and we had just been seated in Johnston Hall. Another prospective student was looking for a seat, and when he asked if he could sit with us I said yes. It turns out he didn’t realize that parents could also come, so he was pretty much alone. I helped make him comfortable, and we became friends quickly. He would be the very first friend I made at Moravian, and he remains a close friend today. He helped me form plenty of friendships and made me feel a part of Moravian.
What have you discovered about yourself since you’ve been at Moravian?
I have discovered that I’m more extroverted than I had previously thought, and I can accomplish a lot if I set my mind to it.
Share something about yourself that may surprise people.
I eat pizza backwards, meaning crust first. In the beginning, it was because my mom made me eat the crust first, and I figured I might as well get the worst part over with. Now, it’s both a time- tested habit and a true test of a good pizza.

What is your favorite place on campus and why?
At the top floor of PPHAC, there are these big conference rooms where you can see almost all of North Campus (at least until they build the new HUB). Plus, you can close the window shades to make a makeshift movie theater. I’ve enjoyed many nights with my friends watching movies and hanging out.
What is your favorite college tradition and why?
My favorite college tradition is a personal one—movie night with suitemates. It started because I wanted to catch one of them up on pop culture, and now it’s a nice cooldown from our busy lives. We’ve watched Interstellar, Gladiator, Christmas Vacation, and WALL-E to name a few.
What is your favorite thing to do when you’re not studying and why?
Just to talk with people. Once you start to get people to open up about themselves, there are plenty of interesting things to learn. Moravian is filled with not only nice people generally but also people with many different layers.
What book, film, song, or piece of art do you find unforgettable?
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King or Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi. They were both very influential in my outlook toward life and hobbies growing up. I’m a bit of a nerd.
Who inspires you? Why?
Off the top of my head, it would be David Goggins. The man is willpower personified. He had terrible odds stacked against him, but that didn’t stop him from becoming a Navy SEAL, a United States Army Ranger, and a world-class endurance athlete. The stuff he has done is straight out of a movie and inspires me to push forward every day.
What is the best advice you have ever received or a quote that stays with you?
“What’s the biggest lie you were ever told?”
“It’s not that simple”
“Why not?”
“No, that’s the biggest lie I was ever told: It’s not that simple. It’s a lie they tell you over and over and over again.”
“What’s not simple?”
“Any of it. All of it”
Share something that makes you happy.
Being home with my dogs and lying with them on the floor. I’ve got three, so they are a bit of a handful. Still, never fails to brighten my day.