In my role, I support departments, resources, programs, and initiatives that attend to all aspects of both individual and community wellness. My work involves proactively building and maintaining community as well as creating space to help community members work through challenges and conflicts. My most gratifying moments are when I can help someone who is upset, frustrated, or in pain move to a place of understanding and healing.

Of your accomplishments thus far in that role, which is most meaningful to you?

The creation of the Employee SHARE Team is something that I am particularly proud of. My role at the institution started as exclusively student-facing. I appreciate that Moravian is willing to invest in supporting our employees as well. While the Employee SHARE Team can be a resource for faculty and staff who are struggling, I am grateful that we have been able to hold Employee Discussion Circles which have allowed for employees to come together to discuss difficult topics while forming meaningful relationships.

Greg Meyer, dean for community wellness, listens as a fellow employee shares her frustrations.

Share something about yourself that people may not know.

I was a music composition major in college and played mallet percussion in my high school marching band and indoor drumline.

What is your favorite Moravian tradition?

I absolutely love participating in Heritage Day. Seeing so many Moravian faculty, staff, and students serving the community all at once is really inspiring.

What do you like to do with your free time?

If I have free time, you’ll find me lost in a book. I read voraciously and multiple books at once. Initially a die-hard “real” book person, I now am open to e-books and audiobooks but still have a large collection of “someday maybe reads” scattered throughout my house.

I also enjoy spending time with my family and try to get out for a “family walk” every day. We live close to campus so we can often be seen walking around Mak field at the end of the day and on the weekends.

What book, film, song, or piece of art has so touched you that you find it unforgettable?

Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning sticks out as one of the most important books I’ve ever read. I believe strongly in searching for meaning and purpose both in times of joy and in times of challenge and heartbreak.

On a more whimsical note, William Goldman’s The Princess Bride is my favorite book of all time. I found and read it long after I’d seen the movie adaptation and highly recommend fans of the movie check it out!

I can never resist a good ________.

Request to share a book recommendation!