For Outstanding Students
Awards and Prizes
The Daniel W. Tereshko Memorial Prize in Studio Art
To the senior art major who has demonstrated outstanding creative, technical, and intellectual achievement in the field of studio art.
Liam Fitting
The Zeta Psi Award
To the art major who, in the judgment of the art faculty, has demonstrated leadership ability, a superior scholastic record, and outstanding artistic achievement.
Briana Fehnel
The Biological Sciences Prize
To the senior biology major who has best demonstrated excellence in academics, in the conduct and dissemination of research, and in their contributions to the department.
Lauren Latchford
The Biochemistry Prize
To a student who, in the judgment of the biochemistry faculty, has demonstrated outstanding achievement in biochemistry and shows potential for significant future contributions to biochemistry or related fields.
Jacob Freeh
The Irving S. Amrhein Prize for French
To a graduating senior for distinguished work in French.
Alexa Vail
The Irving S. Amrhein Prize for German
To a graduating senior for distinguished work in German.
Stephen Schneider
The Irving S. Amrhein Prize for Spanish
To a graduating senior for distinguished work in Spanish.
Victoria Donovan
The C.R. Chambliss Award for Excellence in the Sciences
To a senior majoring in the lab sciences or math who has an overall GPA of at least 3.5, has conducted research or completed outreach that has benefitted Moravian University or the community, and values all aspects of a university education, not just their specific scientific pursuits.
Victoria Donovan and Gwen Kester
The Neuroscience Award
To a senior neuroscience major who has demonstrated excellence in academic and research pursuits in understanding the brain and behavior.
Gwen Kester
The American Chemical Society Award
Upon recommendation of the chemistry faculty, to a senior chemistry major with an outstanding academic record and promise of an academic or research career in chemistry or a related discipline.
Christina Awwad
The Edwin L. Stockton Prize in Economics and Business
To the senior with the highest cumulative GPA in the School of Business and Economics.
Aya Rouhana
The Willis N. Baer Award
To the economics and business student who has shown the greatest improvement over a period of five terms.
Jason Levy
The English Prize
To the graduating English major who has demonstrated outstanding engagement in the discipline within and beyond the department.
Saleh Abdussalam and Gianna Tully
The Zinzendorf Prize
To a graduating senior English major whose breadth and depth of study within the discipline, academic performance, and/or level of intellectual engagement demonstrate a deep commitment to the field of English studies.
Natalia Hanson-Richart and Destiny Smith
The James M. Beck Oratorical Prize
To a student demonstrating excellence in the art of public speaking.
Mayzi Edelheiser
The James M. Beck Shakespeare Essay Prize
For the best essay on a Shakespearean topic by a student.
Maya Santos
The Patricia Erskine Memorial Award
To the junior or senior Moravian University Theatre Company member who has contributed most to that organization.
Hannah Kolonoski
The Marlyn A. Rader Memorial Prize in Mathematics
To a student who, having completed at least six courses in mathematics at the university, has demonstrated outstanding achievement in the study of mathematics.
Hannah Kolonoski and Jean-Pierre Appel
The Environmental Science Prize
To a senior environmental science major for outstanding academic achievement in the study of environmental issues.
Helaena Holjes, Gabriel Jacobs, and Todd Reedy
The Environmental Policy and Economics Prize
To a senior environmental policy and economics major for outstanding academic achievement in the study of environmental issues.
Zachary Phillips
The History Prize
To the history major who, in the judgment of the history department, has demonstrated excellence in historical scholarship and shows the most promise of future achievement.
Lucas Wolk
The Al Lazaro Memorial Jazz Prize
To a music major of the current junior or senior class who has shown significant growth and excellence in jazz performance. Awarded in memory of standout student jazz performer Al Lazaro.
Josequiel Guerra
The T. Edgar Shields Memorial Prize in Music
To a member of the graduating class for progress and proficiency in music studies.
Martina Fedorowicz
The Leon Prokofy Leonovich Memorial Prize
To a member of the sophomore class who has shown significant growth and excellence in the study of music.
Abigail Rochlin
The Steven K. Van Auken Memorial Prize in Music Performance
To the member of the sophomore or junior class for notable achievement in vocal or instrumental performance.
Ashley Golden
The Judith Green Memorial Prize
To a music student who has demonstrated outstanding achievement and an exceptional talent in writing about music or has demonstrated excellence in musical scholarship and shows promise for future achievement.
Samuel Lingen
The Betty Airestock Moore Prize
To the most outstanding keyboard musician during their sophomore or junior year.
Sean Riedy
The Presser Undergraduate Scholar Award
To an outstanding music major in their final year of study.
Mitchell Hourt
The Priscilla Payne Hurd Prize in Nursing
To a nursing student selected on the basis of overall outcomes in academics, professionalism, student involvement in campus programming, athletics, and community care.
Rebecca Revitt
The Nursing Excellence in Practice Award
To the nursing student who has demonstrated outstanding performance in practice excellence and professionalism.
Jordan Geroulo
The Public Health Award
To the graduating public health major who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in the study of public health, service to the community, and leadership within the Public Health program.
Madeline Bill
The Douglas R. Anderson Prize in Philosophy
To a graduating philosophy major who, in the judgment of the department of philosophy, has demonstrated outstanding achievement in the study of philosophy and outstanding service and leadership within the department.
Dylan Coffin
The Frederick (Jiggs) McConnell Prize in Moral Philosophy
To a graduating senior who, in the judgment of the department of philosophy, has demonstrated excellence in moral philosophy.
Shannon Lawlor
The Sociology and Anthropology Student Award
To a graduating senior majoring in sociology or anthropology who has a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the major, actively participates in (and leads, where possible) departmental activities, demonstrates values that uphold the principles of the disciplines of sociology and anthropology, and is an active member of society (through civic engagement and/or work experience).
Riley Scholl
The Ronald J. Stupak Award
To a student who, in the judgment of the political science faculty, has performed distinguished work in political science.
Riley Scholl, Amber Morgan, and Pauline Francisco
The Albert Ferkel Jr. Memorial Prize
To a senior political science major for demonstrated service in raising awareness of social justice issues to their fellow students.
Pauline Francisco and Brianna Nigrone
The Psi Chi Service Award
To a Psi Chi member who has shown outstanding achievement, dedication, enthusiasm, and participation in the field of psychology.
Jordan Vargo
The Theta Alpha Kappa Undergraduate Achievement Award
To a Theta Alpha Kappa member who has shown outstanding achievement and dedication to excellence in religious studies and theology.
Seth Coleman
In the Moravian University Honors Program, students pursue independent, intensive scholarship on a topic of their choice. Their work undergoes a rigorous evaluative process culminating in an oral defense before a select examining committee.
Madison Amorim
Lillian Blomgren
Kalasia Bradshaw
Hayley Carroll
Biology & Chemistry
Christian Colciaghi
Megan Curtis
Economics and Peace & Justice
Victoria Donovan
Liam Fitting
Studio Art
Jacob Freeh
Courtney Gordon
Nursing & Africana Studies
Joel Hendricks
Communications & Rhetoric
Helaena Holjes
Environmental Science
Gwen Kester
Lauren Latchford
Pia Mazzella-DiBosco
Megan O’Brien
Rebecca Revitt
Riley Scholl
Sophia Shienvold
Gianna Tully
Art History & English
Alexa Van Doren
Health Science
Jordan Vargo
Brendon Ward
Lucas Wolk
History & Education
National and International Honor Societies
- Alpha Alpha Alpha, national first-generation honor society, founded at Moravian University
- Alpha Kappa Delta, international sociology honor society
- Beta Beta Beta, national biology honor society
- Chi Alpha Sigma, national student-athlete honor society
- Gamma Sigma Alpha, national Greek honor society
- Iota Iota Iota, national women’s studies honor society
- Kappa Delta Pi, international honor society in education
- Kappa Pi, international honorary art society
- Omicron Delta Epsilon, international economics honor society
- Omicron Delta Kappa, national honorary society for scholarship and leadership
- Phi Alpha Theta, national history honor society
- Phi Beta Delta, international scholars honor society
- Phi Eta Sigma, national first-year student honor society
- Psi Rho Nu, neuroscience honor society
- Phi Sigma Iota, national foreign language honor society
- Phi Sigma Tau, national philosophy honor society
- Pi Mu Epsilon, national mathematics honor society
- Pi Sigma Alpha, national political science honor society
- Psi Chi, national psychology honor society
- Sigma Pi Sigma, national physics honor society
- Sigma Tau Delta, national English honorary society
- Sigma Theta Tau, international nursing honorary society
- Theta Alpha Kappa, national religious studies & theology honorary society