Dr. Jeffrey Jahre, St. Luke’s University Health Network, to be honored with Presidential Medal during the ceremony
BETHLEHEM, PA, May 2, 2023: Today, Moravian University announced it will hold its on-campus commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 6, at 10:00 a.m. on John Makuvek Field, located on its Main Street campus. The 281st commencement ceremony will be the final event of the weekend to celebrate new Moravian University graduates, following Intercultural Graduation and Baccalaureate, both being held on Friday, May 5.
Dr. Jeffrey Jahre, Senior Vice President of Medical Academic Affairs and Section Chief Emeritus of Infectious Diseases at St. Luke’s University Health Network has accepted an invitation to be awarded the Presidential Medal as part of Saturday’s commencement ceremony.
“Each year commencement is such a special day, and this year marks a significant milestone for all of our graduates,” said Bryon Grigsby, president of Moravian University. “Many of these new graduates started their college careers during the pandemic and they have persevered. Their resilience is being rewarded and we’re thrilled to recognize the students, their families, friends and all those that have supported them during the ceremony on Saturday. In addition, it’s an honor to recognize Dr. Jeffrey Jahre’s contributions to Moravian and acknowledge the tremendous guidance he provided to our community during the darkest days of the pandemic.”
Moravian University will confer degrees to nearly 500 bachelor’s degree candidates, nearly 200 graduate degree candidates and 11 doctoral degree candidates.
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Moravian University, Dr. Carol Traupman-Carr, will address all of the Class of 2023 graduates.
Lauren Lukacz, Class of 2023, will present the statement of the bachelor’s degree candidates, and graduate student Kristy Harrison, Class of 2023, will present the statement of the graduate degree candidates.
For more information, visit moravian.edu/commencement.
In the event of inclement weather, visit the Family & Friends page for Severe Weather plan information: moravian.edu/commencement/family-and-friends.
Event details:
Intercultural Graduation
Friday, May 5, 2023, at 12:00 p.m.
Moravian University Foy Concert Hall
342 Main Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018
Friday, May 5, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.
Central Moravian Church
73 W. Church Street, Bethlehem, PA, 18018
Moravian University’s 281st Commencement
Saturday, May 6, 2023, at 10:00 a.m.
Main Street campus at John Makuvek Field
Across from 221 W. Locust Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018
Media contact:
Moravian University
Michael Corr
Assistant Vice President of Marketing and Communications
About Moravian University
Moravian University is the nation’s sixth-oldest university, located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and offers undergraduate and graduate degrees that blend liberal arts with professional programs. For more than 275 years, the Moravian University degree has been preparing students for reflective lives, fulfilling careers, and transformative leadership in a world of change. Moravian University is a member of The New American Colleges and Universities (NAC&U), a national consortium of selective, small to midsize independent colleges and universities dedicated to the purposeful integration of liberal education, professional studies, and civic engagement. Visit moravian.edu to learn more about how the Moravian University focus on education for all prepares its students for life-long success.