Second from left to right: Theta Tau’s Shawn Ryer ’24, Bryce Dunn ’24, Ryan Burke ’26, and Christian Colciaghi ’24 accept the Court of Honor award at the Delta Tau Delta Eastern Division Conference.
By Michael Burke ’22 G ’23
Greek life is prominent at Moravian University and for more than 100 years has been regarded as one of the go-to routes to get more involved and meet new people on campus. Approximately 20 percent of Moravian students are members of one of the university’s five national sororities, three national fraternities, and one local fraternity. Recently Moravian’s Theta Tau chapter of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity, celebrated its highest chapter distinction in history.
From February 10–12, a few men from Theta Tau attended Delt’s annual Eastern Division Conference in Pittsburgh. To be more effective, this year’s curriculum—called Compass—was changed significantly. Members from all chapters in the Eastern Division took part in lots of valuable membership development and leadership programming, which are already being put into place on campuses. The opportunity to network with different chapters from across the nation is inspiration to our chapter.

The highlight of the experience was that our chapter received the Court of Honor Award for the first time in Theta Tau’s history! Every year since 1965, the top 20 Delt chapters across the nation are recognized for excellence by receiving the Court of Honor Award based on exemplary chapter programming presented in the most recent year’s Fraternity Awards and Accreditation Report (FAAR). Specifically, chapters are graded on finance, academics, alumni relations, community service, recruitment, and membership education. Currently, there are approximately 130 active Delt chapters and colonies across the nation. The award comes with a gavel presented by the Arch Chapter. The gavel will be in Theta Tau’s possession for the next year. This Court of Honor distinction was based on our 2022 FAAR submission by the 2022 Executive Board. Those individuals are:
President/Vice President Michael Burke ’22 G ’23
Secretary/Director of Accreditation Aidan Malloy ’24
Director of Finance Shawn Ryer ’24
Director of Member Development Brian Utzat ’23
Director of Recruitment Bryce Dunn ’24
Director of Risk Management Christian Colciaghi ’24
Sergeant at Arms Frederick Younes ’23
IFC Chair Joseph Dickson ’24
Head Resident Zachary Bingaman ’25
Chapter Advisor Michael Higgins ’10
Some of the highlights from Theta Tau’s FAAR submission to Delta Tau Delta Central Office include bylaw innovation, academic support plans and workshops, financial integrity, high community and philanthropic involvement with Moravian University and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, enhancement in alumni relations, and the prioritization of brotherhood events.
Burke, the chapter’s outgoing president, attributes this distinction to the chapter’s ability to overcome adversity and unite as a brotherhood to make a greater impact within the community. “Before the pandemic, Delt was a staple to Moravian’s community, but the pandemic hurt our motivation and our ability to be involved. Coming into my presidency, I wanted to establish organization and accountability for long-term growth. Fortunately the members agreed, and we hit the ground running. The Court of Honor is just one of many ways our hard work has begun to be recognized.”
Christian Colciaghi, the chapter’s incoming president, continues to lead the chapter to even greater heights and hopes to celebrate many more achievements in the near future.