A war against COVID-19 has been waged by Moravian College’s facilities staff. Led by director Yasmin Bugaighis, the team has been busy during the summer strategically rearranging spaces, disinfecting buildings, and installing fortifications against the virus all over campus. And the work has been expansive. “We added weekend service to traditional dorms and five academic buildings that did not have weekend service previously,” says Bugaighis. Here’s a look at the college’s arsenal of defenses against COVID-19.
443 gallons of sanitizer
In addition to stockpiling sanitizer, we have developed several sources for replenishing our supply. “We’ve also increased the number of soap dispensers around campus since frequent hand washing with soap and water is the best protection,” says Bugaighis
330+ sanitizing stations
As of August 10, sanitizing stations were installed by facilities in every classroom, lobby, gathering space, and dorm in an ongoing effort to provide students with easy access to sanitizer, paper towels, and trash cans. Additionally, the on-campus suite and apartment residences were equipped with sanitizing kits.
100+ sneeze guards
Sneeze guards have been installed on campus wherever face-to-face interactions might occur, such as student accounts and the reception desk in Colonial Hall. They serve as an added defense against the transmission of COVID.
Reduced density
To cut occupancy and therefore density in classrooms and common areas, facilities has either removed some furniture or placed signs differentiating available and unavailable seating.
9 event tents
Event tents have been raised on the PPHAC patio, the Sally patio, the HUB portico, the ARC patio, beside Reeves Library, and outside Bahnson. On south campus, they can be found outside Foy and the HILL, and one stands on the west side of the Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Center. These shelters provide outdoor spaces for student activities, dining, and classes where the risk of virus transmission is reduced.
200 signs
While facilities created and placed directional signs in campus buildings, the marketing department printed roughly 200 signs with protocols for personal and community safety and posted them throughout north, south, and west campuses.
20 isolation residences
In the event that a student tests positive for COVID, he or she will be moved to isolated housing with a private bedroom and bathroom, as well as an area to do course work, eat, and relax. Processes are in place for safe meal delivery and garbage pickup.
A huge thank you to the entire facilities department for all their hard work in making the campus safe for students to return. This is an important battleground. Be smart, be responsible, and most importantly, be safe. The whole campus is relying on you to beat COVID-19.