By Chris Hassay
As someone who recently finished his undergraduate career at Moravian—I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in English—I am so excited to continue on at Moravian as a graduate student in the education department. With so many options after graduation, it can sometimes be difficult to know exactly what the next step should be, but with the graduate programs here, I’m confident that I’m moving forward in the right direction. Here are three reasons why a Moravian Graduate education was right for me:
#1 Opportunity
As the recipient of the Master of Arts in Teaching Fellowship, I was able to join the education department as a researcher and continue to work on some of the projects I found most valuable as an undergraduate. As someone who wants to teach at the college level, the MAT allows me to gain the important knowledge of the classroom, and learn how to best implement current teaching practices into my own work. Also, the MAT allows me the flexibility to continue working alongside Dr. Crystal Fodrey on our research initiative, the Writing-Enriched Curriculum, which was established as a SOAR project. As fellow, I can contribute to the research base of our campus while building a wealth of experience to show to future PhD programs.
#2 The Environment
If you haven’t already figured it out by my decision to stay here for an additional two years: I like Moravian…a lot. So it was an easy choice of grad program considering I already knew the faculty I would be working with, the teaching styles in the classroom, and am familiar with the various organizations and resources on our campus. I’m already comfortable here so I know that getting acclimated won’t be an issue. Instead, I can focus on getting the most out of every course.
#3 The Education
After four years as an undergraduate, I am pleased to say that I’ve grown as a person. And that is a testament to all I have learned and experienced both inside the classroom and out at Moravian. More time here to learn and experience all of the great things Moravian has to offer seemed an excellent choice, and one that I was sure would be a good one. With small class sizes, true connections with faculty, and great opportunities, a Moravian education, both undergraduate and graduate, is a great choice.
Are you looking to continue your education? Wondering what will be a good fit following graduation? Maybe an undergraduate with plans for a Master’s? Schedule a call with your Student Experience Mentor today (call 610-861-1400 or email graduate@moravian.edu).