Do you love creative writing? Do you love to read and write poetry and short stories in your free time? Then the Moravian Manuscript is definitely the club for you!
The Moravian Manuscript is an organization on campus that showcases student creativity by featuring students’ submissions in one composition. Not only do students feature poetry and short story pieces, students can also submit photography and artwork, if they wish. President Sara Weidner says that working for the Manuscript, “is an incredible feeling of accomplishment to help put together and distribute the magazine that is composed of the campus’ creative writing.”
The Moravian Manuscript also has mini writers workshops once a month after the general meetings. These workshops are a great way to let your creative juices flow and possibly get a Manuscript submission going. The workshops center around certain characteristics that are embodied in creative writing, such as point of view, story and cliché, and setting.
The Manuscript has a team of editors that goes through the writing submissions to make sure they are perfect! If you love editing and reading poetry and short stories, then getting some experience as an editor for the Manuscript can be very beneficial for your future.