No doubt you’ve seen him, a pack on his back and camera in hand, walking around campus, on the lookout for an interesting shot. Nick Chismar ’20 is Moravian University’s photographer and videographer. “I help to craft Moravian’s photographic image by capturing anything from the day-to-day of campus life and academics to out-of-state internships, major events, and everything in between. My images showcase what makes Moravian unique, and they are used on social media, in Moravian University Magazine, and across other platforms and materials.”

Photographer Nick Chismar ’20 chronicles campus life, events, and happenings at Moravian, including the construction of the new HUB.

What drew you to this profession?

Photography had been a hobby of mine since high school, but it wasn’t until I took a few photo courses and started working as a student photographer here at Moravian that I took a serious interest in it. Photography offers a unique freedom in that it is both a creative outlet and a way to engage with the world. You get to see new places, meet interesting people, and capture unique moments that help tell a larger story. I enjoy how almost every day is different. Even if you are photographing the same event again, you always find something different about it as well as a new way to approach it in order to capture it as authentically as possible.

One of Chismar’s favorite assignments was to follow and photograph Joseph Walker ’24 (center) during the Sandhurst Military Skills Competition in spring of 2024 at West Point.

Of all your photoshoots, which was the most fun or interesting?

It’s hard to pick one when there are so many interesting or enjoyable moments throughout the year, but there are two that come to mind. Freshman orientation is hands down the most fun. The energy and excitement is at a high throughout all three days, and no matter where you turn there is a great moment to capture. The most interesting shoot would have to be the Sandhurst Military Skills Competition last year at West Point. I was able to follow now alum Joseph Walker ’24 as he competed with other Lehigh Valley Cadets against ROTC units from across the country and even some international teams. It was a fast-paced and intense event to capture as cadets engaged in a very challenging competition.

A trip to New Orleans to photograph Ashley Rodriguez ’25, who was interning with Living Sport International Sport Business Program during Super Bowl LIX, was a pretty cool gig as well.

Share something about yourself that people may not know.

I freelance as an aviation photojournalist for Vintage Aviation News and was published in the October 2024 issue of FlyPast magazine in the UK. 

What is your favorite thing to do with your free time?

Going for a good drive. Whether it’s hitting some backroads to find a new place to photograph, cruising to a new place to hike, or going for a roadtrip with friends, there is something about hitting the road that brings people together and makes for a good time.