Moravian Student Rebecca Uwase works on her SOAR (Students Opportunities for Academic Reserch) project during the summer.
Moravian University Photographer Nick Chismar got behind the camera lens 224 times this year and shot about 100,000 photos. Here—and the image above—are his top picks.

The energy and excitement at commencement bursts forth everywhere. It seems that no matter where you point the camera, someone will be celebrating.
Military Briefing

What might be the most unique experience of the year was having the opportunity to follow now Moravian alum, Joseph Walker, as he competed in the Sandhurst Military Skills Competition at the US Military Academy at West Point. With Walker in the center, this photo captures the last few moments of a mission briefing before the cadets made their way to the next challenge.
The Sally

Much like a lot of the buildings on campus, the Sally Building always looks stunning at night. As a popular spot for studying, the lights are almost always on, helping the building stand out even more as the sun goes down over campus. With a purple sky enveloping it, the building stands out on the corner of Main Street.
Student Portrait

Over the summer I had the opportunity to photograph Moravian student Talia Collina during her internship at Cellar Beast Winery. While waiting by the bar for a coworker of hers, I noticed the beautiful lighting and decided to take a couple impromptu portraits.

One of my favorite ways to photograph is to get low and close, especially when the subject is working with something. In this photo, students Emma Pollackov and Santoshi Mutyala are seen alongside their SOAR advisor, Associate Professor of Biology Sara McClelland as they conduct their research.

New students at Moravian have the opportunity in the week leading up to orientation weekend to participate in the 1742 Experience where they take part in various community service activities around the Lehigh Valley. Here, a student is working to clean up some of the rows of lettuce at the Monocacy Farm Project. This was yet another opportunity to get the camera low to the ground and to use the lettuce to frame her.
Orientation Leaders

While making move-in as easy and fun as it can be, orientation leaders are always up for a quick group shot.
Orientation Energy

Orientation weekend is easily one of the most exciting events to photograph, especially during Playfair. There is always something going on, and you have to keep your head on a swivel to spot unique moments before they happen. After watching these two run to the middle of Mak Field, I was able to set up quick to capture them in mid-air.
Presidential Selfie

Each year during orientation, President Grigsby leads first-year students to South Campus in the Moravian Mile down Main Street. While getting ready to grab a few photos further down the street, I turned around to find President Grigsby grabbing a selfie with students before starting the walk.
Cheering on the Team

The sidelines of football games are always energetic and keep you searching for great moments. Captured as Moravian expanded its lead over Utica in football, this student was cheering on his teammates from on top of one of the benches.

Homecoming is always exciting right from the jump. There’s always something going on, and alumni have a great time. Add some blue and grey confetti and you’re sure to capture a fun moment.
HUB Signing

Watching the original HUB come down and the new go up has been exciting to capture. Seeing students and alumni sign their names to the final beam and become a part of the new building was a special experience.
Snow at Johnston Hall

The Greyhound statues outside of Johnston Hall are an iconic part of campus. I always try to find new ways to photograph them, but sometimes a quick snap in the snow makes for a nice moment