Bethlehem, PA, February 28, 2023: Today, Moravian University announced that President Bryon L. Grigsby has been named to the 2023 Higher Education Power 100 that recognizes the state of Pennsylvania’s top education leaders by City & State PA, a multimedia news organization that covers Pennsylvania’s state and local government, providing non-partisan news coverage of issues affecting the state.
The City & State article announcing President Grigsby’s place on the list included this commentary on his tenure at Moravian: “Moravian College alumnus Bryon Grigsby returned to lead his alma mater in 2013, guiding its 2022 transition into Moravian University, as well as its merger with Lancaster Theological Seminary. Grigbsy, a historian who also oversees Moravian Theological Seminary, headed up the institution’s strategic plan, adding and expanding degree programs and upgrading campus facilities. He also guided Moravian’s recent partnership with St. Luke’s University Health Network, establishing an outpatient psychiatric clinic and a graduate clinical counseling program.”
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Moravian University
Michael Corr
Assistant Vice President of Marketing and Communications
About Moravian University
Moravian University is the nation’s sixth-oldest university, located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and offers undergraduate and graduate degrees that blend liberal arts with professional programs. For more than 275 years, the Moravian University degree has been preparing students for reflective lives, fulfilling careers, and transformative leadership in a world of change. Moravian University is a member of The New American Colleges and Universities (NAC&U), a national consortium of selective, small to midsize independent colleges and universities dedicated to the purposeful integration of liberal education, professional studies, and civic engagement. Visit moravian.edu to learn more about how the Moravian University focus on education for all prepares its students for life-long success.