Ethan Deater ’24 helps produce a photo for a Moravian University marketing campaign.
Perhaps you’ve seen him on Instagram, maybe YouTube, or around campus in front of or behind a camera. Ethan Deater is in constant motion working to advance his skills in social media as a marketing tool. Inside Moravian wanted to know what drives this ambitious student, so we asked.
Where did you grow up, and did that place influence you in any way?
I grew up in a town at the base of Blue Mountain called Danielsville where I learned to have an appreciation for the little things, from the leaves changing on the mountain to the sound of cicadas on warm summer nights. Being exposed to the beauty of nature, even that which is miniscule, has allowed me to appreciate the life I’ve been given.
What is your academic interest and what drew you to it?
My major is business administration with a focus in marketing. I chose this discipline specifically because it provides me with the general skills to go anywhere within the business world. My focus and passion in marketing grew from a ton of experiences, both in and out of college. I had my own YouTube channel that engaged more than 30,000 subscribers, drawing over 9 million views. My Instagram pages have more than 30,000 and 50,000 followers and over 1 million monthly views. And, I am a social media/marketing intern at places such as ArtsQuest, Godshall’s Quality Meats, and the Lehigh Valley Phantoms. All these experiences gave me the confidence to know that my future in business is inevitable.
What activities are you involved in?
I am a member of the student social media team on campus, led by Claire Boucher, social and digital media manager. Together we brainstorm, collaborate, and create content for the university’s social media outlets. This has been a great opportunity for me to gain professional experience, giving me even more to add to my resume. Claire has been an amazing mentor throughout my college career, and I owe a great deal of my confidence in business to her.
From my freshman through junior year, I was a member of the football team. I gained a good deal of my work ethic here, which translates to all other areas my life. Even though I started at fullback and enjoyed playing, I decided to use my senior year to focus on building toward my career, which was the best thing I could have done for my future.
Tell us about one of the best experiences you’ve had at Moravian University?
It would have to be the entire first half of my freshman year. I found my group of friends that have remained my friends to this day. We made memories that I will never forget and wouldn’t trade for the world. It was a shame COVID stopped it short.
What have you discovered about yourself since you’ve been at Moravian?
That I am never done growing as an individual, which is not a bad thing, rather something to embrace. It teaches you to remain humble and allows you to pull new knowledge from any and every situation you encounter. I am always willing to learn or try something new because I find it exciting and see it as an opportunity to improve myself.
What is your favorite thing to do when you’re not studying and why?
Working out, which has been a passion of mine since middle school. Working out not only improves your physical fitness but your mental fitness as well. I owe a lot of my confidence as an individual to the time and dedication that I invested in myself at the gym. To see the person you were transform into the person you are is one of the most rewarding things on this earth.
Who inspires you?
Instead of who, I look at what inspires me. How I feel in the moment and how I wish to feel inspires me. Late nights, words of affirmation, and meditation all inspire me. Pushing myself out of my comfort zone even if it doesn’t always succeed inspires me. There is inspiration everywhere around you, it is up to you to find it.
What is the best advice you have ever received or a quote that stays with you?
A quote that has always stayed with me is, “Grow where you’re planted.” This is such a powerful saying because there are so many situations that you don’t have any control over outside of your reaction and your response. Even the worst situations can be made good by simply changing your perspective and remaining optimistic.