I’m from Limerick, a small town in southeastern Pennsylvania. Growing up there provided me with many opportunities to be successful, and those opportunities have made me the person I am today. Despite having abundant opportunities, the environment I was raised in encouraged me to work hard, and now I can say that I had to work for everything I have currently.
You are an accounting major with minors in peace and justice and ethics ? What drew you to these academic pursuits?
Several things led me to pursue a major in accounting. I have always been a very analytical person and enjoyed math in elementary and high school. Peace and justice studies is particularly interesting to me, because I have long strived to make my community a better place, and I believed this minor would aid me in accomplishing that goal. Ethics interested me in a similar way. I am always looking for ways to be a better person and be an example of integrity, not only in what I do, but in how I do it. Ethics courses have helped me to understand those concepts more thoroughly.
What activities are you involved in?
There are several: Habitat for Humanity, USG (representative), 2023 Senior Class Gift Committee (member), Moravian Star, Resident Life (RA), Omicron Gamma Omega (member) and the football team (athlete).
Tell us about one of the best experiences you’ve had at Moravian University?
I have had so many amazing experiences here at Moravian. The best has been my involvement in the STAR program and getting to connect with alumni for the betterment of the university.
Share something about yourself that may surprise people.
As all of my friends know, I love sports, but I am also a huge fan of movies. I thoroughly enjoy movies of every genre, but my favorite movie is Goodwill Hunting.
What is your favorite thing to do when you’re not studying and why?
I love hanging out with my friends. We always watch movies or play video games together, and it is a great way to destress after a challenging academic schedule and extracurricular activities.
What book, film, song, or piece of art has so touched you that you find it enduring/unforgettable?
Papillon. I remember watching this with my dad when I was young, and many of the film’s concepts resonated with me, especially the themes of endurance and hope. Both of these themes have recurred throughout my life.
Who inspires you?
My dad inspires me. He has taught me so many valuable life lessons from something as small as what tie to wear with what shirt and pants to something as large as what to do in a difficult situation. I hope one day I can be half as good of a father to my children as he has been to me and my sister.
What is the best advice you have ever received or a quote that stays with you?
My dad always says, Carpe Diem, seize the day. Many people have likely heard this phrase, and some may even regard it as a cliché. However, it has influenced my life positively and serves as a reminder to live in the present, with the intention of seizing every opportunity I encounter.