10. Johnston Hall gets new bleacher seats.
No more sitting on backless wooden bleacher benches during a Greyhound basketball game. Johnston Hall has been fitted with comfortable seats for your viewing pleasure. Check out these photos. We look forward to seeing more fans at future games. Go Hounds! Go fans!
9. The dance company gets a new studio.
At its start, 46 years ago, the Moravian College Dance Company practiced in a locker room in the back of Johnston Hall. This year, a new studio was built in the former Root Cellar space on South Campus, and students began dancing in the studio in September.
8. The Moravian College Graduate Program continues to expand.
Graduate studies continues to grow. This fall saw the launch of an online MBA program and a dual doctor of athletic training (DAT)/MBA program. Moravian is the first to offer a DAT/MBA degree.
7. Athletics adds swimming to its roster of varsity sports.
Men’s and women’s swimming comes to Moravian and will launch its first season in the 2021—22 academic year. Head coach, Mary Ellen Wydan, hired this past summer, has been busy recruiting student-athletes.
6. Time of Caring supports students during pandemic.
Thanks to more than 360 donors, the Time of Caring campaign, launched in March, raised more than $142,000 for Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary in support of our students.
5. The college celebrates its first-ever Indigenous People’s Day.
On October 12, Moravian held its first Indigenous Peoples Day with presentations by distinguished speakers held via Zoom. Future celebrations will include a variety of in-person and outdoor events. In addition, the college has added an Indigenous Studies certificate to our catalog of academic programs.
4. 3D printing team comes to aid of local hospitals and healthcare providers.
As the pandemic climbed to its first peak in March, Moravian College’s 3D printing team, led by computer science faculty member Jeffrey Bush, pulled together and worked, literally, round-the-clock to build face masks and stethoscopes. Read about it in this article from the soon-to-be distributed winter issue of Moravian College Magazine.
3. Two Moravian students earn Fulbright Scholarships.
Will Pelletiers ’20 and Shianne Reimer ’20 were awarded Fulbright US Student Program awards for teaching assistantships in Germany. Read more.
2. College receives NSF grant for undergraduate project—YEAH!
Moravian College was one of 12 institutions of higher learning, including three from outside the U.S., to be awarded a grant to participate in the Youth Environment Alliance in Higher Education (YEAH) Network. Students, both undergraduate and graduate, have been working in cross-institutional teams on projects related to one of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Each participating institute had a YEAH fellow; ours was Melissa Morales, an environmental science major who will graduate in May. Work will continue through the spring semester. Look for a full story to be published early next year.
And the number 1 story of 2020—students enjoy a full semester on campus during the pandemic!
During the summer, the facilities department worked seven days a week to prepare the campus for the safe return of students; the student-life team reimagined on-campus activities; and faculty spent long hours engaged in workshops and research to design their courses for the best-possible online experience in hybrid learning. And when the fall semester opened, students, faculty, and staff adhered to the guidelines that kept Moravian College safe and open from August 24 through November 25, 2020. Learn more in this video with President Grigsby.