Jim Beers
As part of our membership in the LVAIC consortium, Moravian College is happy to introduce DocuSign for employees to use for Moravian-related business. DocuSign is a cloud-based application designed to collect and manage electronic signatures for important documents. When President Grigsby took office back in 2013, he wanted Moravian to optimize its processes through the use of technology. The implementation of DocuSign is another step toward that goal.
Electronic signatures can eliminate the need for the additional printing, faxing, scanning, or physical contact required to sign, return, or store documents. Anyone with a smartphone, tablet, or computer can sign documents electronically. You can build workflows that can require one or multiple signatures, countersignatures, and carbon copying. A workflow might require one signature before another or it could allow signing at any time by multiple parties. There are many different options to choose from when building electronic signature workflows. You can even require someone to authenticate themselves to further ensure the authenticity of the signature.
Does this mean that we are requiring everyone to electronically sign forms or documents?
No. The goal is optimize our processes by using electronic signatures when it makes sense and is possible. At any step along the way, a workflow can accommodate the possibility of using wet signatures (signature on printed paper with a pen). Once a paper document has been signed, it can be scanned or faxed back into DocuSign for further processing electronically.
Can someone opt out of electronic signatures altogether and request a paper document be sent to them instead of an electronic document?
Yes—the Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure (included with the first document someone receives asking for an electronic signature) explains the flexibility associated with the Moravian’s use of electronic signatures and how to request paper copies of documents for signature.
How do I access DocuSign?
Employees can access DocuSign by logging into Okta and selecting the appropriate DocuSign icon. There are two icons associated with DocuSign in Okta. These two icons correlate to the DocuSign test (or demo) site and the DocuSign production site. The production site for DocuSign was made fully available to all employees during the week of December 7th.
The DocuSign test site is to be used for testing new forms and templates. The production site is only to be used for forms and templates that have been tested and are ready for production use.
What if I need help with DocuSign?
Zoom-based DocuSign training was offered in October and early November. Recordings of these training sessions are now available through the knowledge base in ServiceNow for you to access on-demand. The training covers the creation of forms, templates, and PowerForms (forms that can be accessed via a URL).
If you have questions or issues with DocuSign, contact the Help Desk at help@moravian.edu. More complex workflows or questions may be assigned to our DocuSign point person, Jim Beers, Moravian’s Director of Information Security.