By Amber Kortbawi
During this semester we have become accustomed with how quickly things seem to change on a weekly basis … or an hourly basis … or a minute by minute basis. With all that is in flux, we can promise you one thing—Moravian’s IT User Support team is committed to providing quality support to our students, faculty, and staff no matter the circumstances! As a friendly reminder, IT is here to help with your technology questions or issues. If you need to stop in to see us, you can do so by scheduling an appointment using the following link: mrvn.co/helpdeskappt Appointments are required at this time.
Don’t need an in-person appointment?
Then submit a ticket through our IT ticketing system by clicking here and filling out the form with a detailed description of the issue. Another quick way to get IT help by sending an email to help@moravian.edu. Emailing our Help Desk will instantly open a ticket that you can follow along with via email all the way through to the resolution of your issue!
Most issues can be solved over email, over the phone, or through a Zoom call—The bottom line is, no matter the method, we are here to help!