I grew up in Phillipsburg, New Jersey, and am a political science major on the pre-law track. Outside of my coursework, I serve as a United Student Government Representative and treasurer of the Mock Trial Team, and I am a member of Alpha Sigma Tau, the Pre-Law and Sociology Club, and the Phi Alpha Delta Honors Society. I hope to go to law school—fingers crossed!
When I was in high school, I liked a bit of every subject, which led to a lot of confusion about what my major and career path was going to look like. When I started taking political science classes in college, I realized it’s what I really enjoy learning about. I am on a pre-law track for two reasons. First, my mom has always told me I’d be a great lawyer. She just meant because I’m always arguing about something and not afraid to speak up, but she was onto something. Second, all the injustices I learned about during my time here at Moravian have inspired me to want to help people in a meaningful way.
Share something about yourself that may surprise people.
I love sewing. I’ve made tons of different things, from dresses to bathing suits to masks. It helped to keep me sane during quarantine, and I love getting to wear what I create.
What is your favorite spot on campus?
The B&G because I absolutely love their spicy chicken tenders.
What is your favorite college tradition?
Heritage Day because I found it to be a great introduction to the school in my first semester at Moravian, and it’s an amazing concept.
What do you like to do when you’re not studying?
Usually when I’m not studying I’m in some sort of meeting. But, if I can get away from both of those things, you can find me playing with my four dogs at home. My dogs are Kammi, Bubbies, Beanie, and Jojo. All rescues and all super cute!
What book, film, song, or piece of art has so touched you that you find it unforgettable?
The book 1984 by George Orwell really resonated with me and helped me find my way into my major and career path. It is about a dystopian world in which Big Brother, the government, is watching every person. The book presents the idea of the double-think, which means that citizens are aware that their government is lying to them, but they also believe everything Big Brother says. The main character is assigned to edit old articles to change the words so that they align with what current leaders preach. Originally 1984 was a commentary on Soviet Russia and totalitarian government, but reading it in today’s climate results in a much different perspective on the world. Learning about the meaning behind this book and its importance even today made me very interested in politics and law.
Who is your hero? Why?
I have two heroes in my life. The first is my mom, Kristi DeLuca, who went through so much and inspires me every day to be strong. My second hero is my dad, Lou DeLuca, because he always inspired me to be a leader and pushed me to do my best. They both did an amazing job raising both me and my sister and I am forever grateful to them.
What is the best advice you have ever received or a quote that stays with you?
I live by my saying “perspective is preeminent” because I like to keep in mind that everyone is going through something, so we should do as much as possible to be kind and understanding and help others out whenever possible. What you’re going through may not look like a lot on paper, but if you feel overwhelmed then that is completely valid. No one can tell you that they could do better than you can.
Share something that makes you feel happy through and through.
I love going for drives on my favorite roads and playing one of my Spotify playlists. It always makes me feel ready to take on whatever is waiting for me at home. I highly recommend the song “Beggars Son” by Matt Maeson and “British Bombs” by Declan McKenna.