The switch to remote online learning has been a major adjustment for the entire Moravian community—parents and families included! And while it may be great to have your student at home during these difficult times, they still have a schedule to stick to. So how can you help support your student over the coming months? Here are a few of our tips:
Even though it might feel like it, remember that your student is not home on break. They still have a full course load with classes at various times throughout the day—be respectful of their schedule. Keeping on a schedule will help them to be successful!
Remember your student is under a tremendous amount of stress. Not only have their lives changed and they aren’t in their typical learning environment, but they are also entering the final weeks of classes. They will be busy with finals, projects, and papers.
Make sure your student has the resources they need to be successful—most importantly a quiet place to do their work away from the family.
Keep in mind they aren’t in high school anymore. Reminders to do their work and attend classes might not be well-received.
Allow them to talk to their friends! We know they spend a lot of time on their MacBook, iPad, and cell phone, but realize that they have gone from living with their friends to being home. While they love you, they really miss their friends!