My home away from home, Moravian College, was founded by the Moravian Church in 1742. And each fall, we have the opportunity to celebrate our history, remember our roots, and give back to our community thanks to Heritage Day. As a member of the New American Colleges & Universities consortium, we prioritize service on our campus. That’s why Moravian created Heritage Day. Classes are cancelled (yes!) and our community comes together to appreciate and celebrate Moravian’s cultural background and traditions by giving back to the Lehigh Valley.
I’ve attended every Heritage day since my freshman year. Usually freshmen attend as part of their FYS class, which is a writing seminar requirement, and then continue attending on their own as upperclassmen! Let’s take a look back at Heritage Days of the past:
My freshman year (it’s hard to believe it was already three years ago!), I had a fantastic time at a horse farm, where we cleaned up, put down soil, brushed the horses, and completed yard work. One of my best friends is obsessed with horses, so the whole time we were there she was overwhelmed and super excited because she had never pet a horse before! Overall, the day made for a great bonding experience with professors, friends, and staff members.
For my sophomore year Heritage Day, I went to South Campus where I had the opportunity to lay down fresh soil and plant flowers. And junior year, I was bussed to the South Side where I shelved canned goods.
Comparing this year’s Heritage Day to the last three, I would have to say that this year was definitely the best by far. Why? Well, I got to sit with my friends and we experienced the day together! In the past, we were divided into random groups for our service, which was kind of a bummer because my friends and I wanted to stick together. Another reason this year was so fun? We stayed on campus! Going off campus was a great experience, but the logistics of and time it took to bus everyone around often led to less time spent doing actual service. Staying on campus saved time and made the day a whole lot easier. I also enjoyed the community service that we did this year: blanket making and candle wrapping. This year I actually got to learn how to do something new… make a blanket!