The symposium is free and open to the public
BETHLEHEM, PA, November 1, 2022: Today, Moravian University announced they will host a two-day symposium on the Main Street campus titled Race, Slavery, and Land. Moravian Legacies in a Global Context, 1722-2000 on Friday, November 4 and Saturday, November 5, 2022. The symposium will feature leading historians, anthropologists, and political scientists from South Africa, Germany, Ireland, Jamaica, Denmark, Switzerland, and the United States discussing the legacies of racism, slavery, and land ownership in Moravian Communities globally.
“More than ever before institutions, movements, and communities are facing their own histories and the role of racism and slavery therein. This calls for the rethinking and investigation of the interactions of race, slavery, and land in Moravian institutions and communities across global contexts.” said Dr. Heikki Lempa, professor of history at Moravian University. “As an academic institution with deep roots in Colonial America we have a special obligation to take on this task. June of 2022 marked the 300th anniversary of the founding of Herrnhut by Count Nikolas von Zinzendorf, the 290th of the sending of the first two Moravian missionaries to the Danish West Indies (present U.S. Virgin Islands), and the 281st of the founding of Bethlehem on the land of the Lenape nation.”
The symposium is sponsored by Moravian University’s Office of the President; The Office of the Provost; The Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; The Moravian Seminary; The Center of Moravian Studies; Arts and Lectures; The Moravian University Department of History, and InFocus.
Event details:
For additional information on the symposium, including the program, registration information and speaker schedules, please visit: Race, Slavery, and Land. Moravian Legacies in a Global Context, 1722-2000
Event contact:
Moravian University
Dr. Heikki Lempa
Professor of History, Priscilla Payne Hurd Chair in the Arts and Humanities
Media contact:
Moravian University
Michael Corr
Assistant Vice President of Marketing and Communications
About Moravian University
Moravian University is the nation’s sixth-oldest university, located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and offers undergraduate and graduate degrees that blend liberal arts with professional programs. For more than 275 years, the Moravian University degree has been preparing students for reflective lives, fulfilling careers, and transformative leadership in a world of change. Moravian University is a member of The New American Colleges and Universities (NAC&U), a national consortium of selective, small to mid-size independent colleges and universities dedicated to the purposeful integration of liberal education, professional studies, and civic engagement. Visit moravian.edu to learn more about how the Moravian University focus on education for all prepares its students for life-long success.