Most of my family is from Asbury Park, New Jersey, which has historically suffered from high poverty, drug abuse, and crime. Seeing these issues firsthand as a child began to shape my view of what my future would look like. Luckily, I have a huge family (nearly 100 cousins!) who looked after me and ensured that I would become successful in life. This has shaped me into who I am today, as I could have fallen victim to my environment. I always had a support system. I was taught that I was unique and had a special purpose in this life. Having that foresight and a great desire for knowledge at a young age gave me the motivation to pursue bigger and better things. Later, I moved several times between Tennessee and Kentucky before eventually landing back in New Jersey.
What is your role at the college and what drew you to this profession?
I work in the Center for Career and Civic Engagement, specifically with first-year students. I guide them in their choice of majors and in their career interests, work with them to build resumes and other professional documents, and direct them to internship and professional development opportunities. Additionally, I help students navigate our new Career Readiness Digital Badging Program. This program collects and displays students’ co-curricular involvement on campus and shows that they are well prepared to articulate their experiences after graduation.
What do you enjoy most about what you do?
The best part of my role is helping students think through their major and career choices. This can be a super stressful process, and it is very rewarding to know that when students leave my office, they feel relief about the decisions that we will work toward. Sometimes all you need is someone to talk to who can help outline your goals.
How did Moravian prepare you for this role?
I learned so many people skills through my leadership experiences. The pre-professional development that I experienced while a student allowed me to evaluate and create my own unique approach to leadership by understanding the theories and implications of what a good leader can produce. Of course, the strong community, which all of us are familiar with at Moravian University, served as a reminder to always give back to those next in line, which is my approach with students.
Share something about yourself that people may not know.
I am a first-generation college graduate, and I am working toward earning my doctorate.
What is your favorite spot on campus?
The HUB, because it is the heart of the campus and where many activities take place.
What is your favorite college tradition?
Homecoming. It gives you a chance to catch up with old friends and classmates, while reflecting on the great times you had during college.
What is your favorite thing to do when you’re away from campus?
Spend time with family and friends because they motivate me to continue chasing my dreams.
What book, film, song, or piece of art has so touched you that you find it enduring, unforgettable?
Hip Hop music and culture have influenced my life since I was a child. I love the essence of music and how it can bring people together from different backgrounds. Hip Hop is a movement and culture that has influenced the world.
I can never resist_____.
A good breakfast. I can eat breakfast every day for every meal.
Who inspires you and why?
The family, friends, and mentors who have always believed in me from day one. Also, leaders who look like me. I believe representation is crucial; seeing leaders, revolutionists, and philosophers who look like me, gives me the courage to know that I can one day reach that level of greatness.
Share something that makes you feel happy.
People defying the odds stacked against them and achieving their lifelong goals.