Meet Dr. Tristan Gleason, Assistant Professor, Director of Secondary Education, and Director of Graduate Education Programs at Moravian.
Dr. Gleason sat down with us to answer your questions about what it’s really like to be a student in Moravian’s education program:
What should I know about Moravian’s graduate education program?
At Moravian, we have a long tradition of encouraging teacher action research, which positions you, the teacher, as a knowledge producer. We recognize that no one understands the needs of a diverse student population more than the educators who are working with those students on a daily basis.
I’m considering pursuing my teacher’s certification—should I do it?
Teaching is one of the most exciting things that anybody can do. There is never a dull moment and it is intellectually, physically, and emotionally stimulating. If you’re interested in a career that is fast-paced, ever-changing, and unique, then yes, you should pursue your certification!
I’m already a teacher—why should I pursue my master’s degree?
It’s easy to think that your learning is complete after you finish your undergraduate degree—that’s the challenge. But the best teachers are really the ones who recognize that there is always more learning to be done. And I believe that Moravian’s master’s program delivers on that promise. In order for you to remain best-positioned to address the complexities of a fluid and dynamic classroom, you have got to keep learning.
Can you speak to the state of education in the Lehigh Valley?
We are constantly receiving requests from districts for math and science teachers and folks who have the ability to work with special education populations or English language learners. Those tend to be our areas of greatest need.
Moravian recently developed a really excellent program in special education with a focus on disability studies, which feels like a really important part of meeting that need. We also have a wonderful certification in English language learning. These programs can give you the ability to work with populations that you weren’t specifically trained to work with during your undergraduate career.
How can I find out more?
We are a young faculty, with a really wide array of interests and areas of expertise. I really encourage you to come meet with us on the third floor of the Priscilla Payne Hurd Academic Complex on main campus. And if you can’t drop in, feel free to send me an email (gleasont@moravian.edu) or connect with your Student Experience Mentor.